
Wake on Lan Python Script

Wake-on-LAN Python Script This document provides an overview of a Python script that uses the Wake-on-LAN protocol to wake up a computer over a network. Introduction Wake-on-LAN (WoL) is an Ethe...

Homepage Setup

Synology active airectory roaming profile set up

Samaba Active Direcotory Domain Controler Setup

Samba AD DC setup

Homepage Setup

GetHomepage services setup page and configs gethomepage/homepage website Configs files with the help of techno tim

Jekyll with Chirpy Theme

Jekyll _Static Site Generator This doc uses Techno Tim’s guide https://technotim.live/posts/jekyll-docs-site/ Install dependencies sudo apt update sudo apt install ruby-full build-essential zlib...

Synology AD:DC Setup

Use synology NAS as an AD:DC Go to package manager and install Synology Directory Server Set a static IP in the networking control panel tab Select Control Panel \ Network \ Network...

Proxmox CloudInit virtual machine template

Create a basic template Creat VM On Create: Virtual Machine wizard - General Tab Enter desired VM ID: exampaple - 5000 Enter a name: exaple linux-base-template ...

Proxmox Windows Server post install

Windows Server post install Post install Go to device manager If any devices not loading right click/properties on the ones that are not. Update Driver ...

Proxmox Windows VM install

In proxmox Download pertinent ISOs (add links here) Create a VM VM ID Name - next Select the ISO windows image Select Microsoft Windows type and date Under system, s...

Helpful Windows Commands

Useful windows commands for PowerShell/CMD prompt DiskPart diskpart 1- list disk #lists system disks 2- select disk #select the disk you want to work on by selecting the number shown with list dis...